“The most important day of your life, is not your birthday, it's the date of your medical screening.” - Sergey Young
(1:34) Sergey describes our 4 different ages and the importance of getting a medical screening every year.
(3:52) Second tip from Sergey on quitting bad habits.
(4:55) Third tip from Sergey on the importance of wearing seatbelts to decrease your risk of death.
(5:17) Fourth tip from Sergey on how decreasing your calorie intake can add years to your life.
(6:36) Fifth tip from Sergey on food quality and how important it is to source good quality meat.
(7:32) Sixth tip from Sergey on how supplements can help with longevity and shares some of the supplements he personally takes. He also talks about NMN.
(9:25) Sergey explains what NMN is.
(10:22) Seventh tip from Sergey on the importance of moving your body.
(11:04) Eighth tip from Sergey on the importance of sleep and how he tracks his own sleep.
(11:59) Nineth tip from Sergey on the importance of mental health and meditation.
(12:44) Final tip from Sergey on happiness and being grateful.
(13:45) Sergey talks about balancing his life by having what he calls cheat days. He talks about wearables and technologies.
(15:09) Claudia answers a question on how to look young on the outside.
(15:54) Sergey explains how humans just focus on beauty on the outside but beauty is important from the inside.
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Claudia von Boeselager: Welcome to another episode of the Longevity and Lifestyle Podcast. I'm your host, Claudia von Boeselager. I'm here to uncover the groundbreaking strategies, tools, and practices from the world's pioneering experts to help you live your best and reach your fullest potential. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast to always catch the latest episodes.
Legal Disclaimer: Please note, to avoid any unnecessary headaches, Longevity & Lifestyle LLC owns the copyright in and to all content in and transcripts of The Longevity & Lifestyle Podcast, with all rights reserved, as well as the right of publicity. You are welcome to share parts of the transcript (up to 500 words) in other media (such as press articles, blogs, social media accounts, etc.) for non-commercial use which must also include attribution to “The Longevity & Lifestyle Podcast” with a link back to the longevity-and-lifestyle.com/podcast URL. It is prohibited to use any portion of the podcast content, names or images for any commercial purposes in digital or non-digital outlets to promote you or another’s products or services.
Claudia Von Boeselager: Hello, longevity friends, and welcome to another episode of the Longevity and Lifestyle Podcast. I'm your host, Claudia Von Boeselager, here to uncover the groundbreaking strategies, tools, and practices from the world's leading experts to help you Levi your best and reach your highest potential.
If you haven't done so already, make sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter by going to LLinsider.com, where you'll get top insights into all things longevity and lifestyle.
In today's episode, I'm joined by Longevity Investor and visionary Sergey Young. Sergey and I share a mission to extend healthy lifespans of at least 1 billion people. Sergey is the founder of the Longevity Vision Fund and has an ambitious goal of living to 200 years old. In today's episode, Sergei shares his top 10 strategies for longevity.
Please enjoy.
Sergey Young: Hello. How are you?
Claudia Von Boeselager: How are you, my friend?
Sergey Young: Very good. It's been six months.
Claudia Von Boeselager: Oh my goodness. It has been far too long and it's incredible how time is just flying by.
How are you keeping?
Sergey Young: Yeah. Very good. But, uh, you and I and all of our audience, they becoming younger and younger.
Claudia Von Boeselager: This is great, right? We're aging backwards , and we're growing younger and younger by the day. It's, it's amazing.
Sergey Young: I love it.
Claudia Von Boeselager: Are you 20 years old yet? Sergey?
Sergey Young: uh, Not yet. I'm working on that.
We have four different ages, one in past worth, the other one is biological age, but all of us can have psychological age. So if you think you are 25, then you are 25. So I'm thinking. I am on 25 years young level. Only on psychological level. Yeah, but it's okay. We're all working on that.
Claudia Von Boeselager: So happy to have you on and Sergey as a longevity visionary I'm excited to dive into your favorite 10 strategies, Sergey, to growing younger for longevity.
Sergey Young: So I have, you know, five different secrets or 10 different secrets. Today we're discussing much longer 10 longevity choices that I defined for myself that I use in my every day and every night life, because we're gonna talk about sleep as well.
10 things that I do for my own longevity That we can share. So number one, and when I have 30 seconds on longevity. I'm always telling people to do their medical screening every year.
To get this message across the most important day of your life every year. It's not your birthday, . It's the date of your medical screening. 20, 40 years ago, the best strategy. For protecting health would be go to church and pray. Because there was like almost the only means that we had in terms of predictive and preventive medicine mm-hmm.
Right now we can, we can compliment spiritual ourselves with more focus on technology and the science that we have through medical screening, full body MRI, ultrasound, ct. I mean, this is an amazing thing. The MRI today, if this is treat Tesla MRI, can identify early cancer in 94% of cases the same done by humans. Early stage is still 30 to 40%. So that's why AI, will help, humans to identify early stage cancer. So, number one, do your medical screening. Guys, we spent on our health less time and money than we spent on our cars. Mm-hmm. , isn't it ridiculous? Yeah. So we need, need to fix that one.
Book your medical screening wherever you go. Speak to the hospital next door, speak to your doctor and do medical screening. This is very important. Mm-hmm. . So that's number one. Mm-hmm. second, you know, quit bad habits and I know I sounds like your mom or dad but smoking is minus 10 years from your life.
Okay. You know, there's so many dangerous things that we do there. One of the friend of mine, she's mountaineer, so she's going to, and she climbed a lot of one of the topics in the world recently. She went to the mountain called K2 and mortality rate. On this mountain is 25%, actually went to Annapurna as well and mortality rate is like 33%.
So like Russian roulette, you know, I'm originally from Russia is one out of six chances to die. What she did is one out of three chances to die. And I mean, you think you don't do it, but you actually do it. Look at the statistical probability of damage to yourself when you're doing some risky things like riding motorcycles. Is 17 times more dangerous than driving the car 17 times in terms of mortality. Okay. Be careful. Third. It is about driving. I already went to this area with motorcycles. Use seat belts. I'm traveling. I've been to more than a hundred countries in the world, not sure you can do it in the UK or in the us but in some of the countries people don't even use the seat belts.
Mm-hmm. . So using seat belts is plus two years to your life not using is minus two years. So be careful with that. Number four, it's about calories is about food. Okay. And , the main thing is, you and I know there's a lot of disagreements. You know, with a scientist with technologies, to want extent our lives span what will add, five 10 healthy and happy years to our life.
But there's one agreement shared by all scientists that I know, the decreasing your calorie intake. Would actually add another two, three, or five years to your life, statistically. Okay. Mm-hmm. . So we have different means, how we can do it like I do it for fasting, for example. Mm-hmm.
I do it from going, uh, more plant based. This is my food.
Claudia Von Boeselager: Nice and green.
Sergey Young: I have buckwheat as well. Sorry guys to share all of it, but this is what makes our conversation, uh, interesting as well.
Claudia Von Boeselager: Personal and fun, right?
Sergey Young: Yeah. This is, yeah, that's true. This is my sources of Protein eggs.
Mm-hmm. As well. Yeah. So that's what I have for my lunch. So, you know, just be mindful of your calorie choices. Mm-hmm. and not overdoing this with kinda sugar or with industrial food. Well obviously add two to four years to your healthy life. Yeah. Okay. So, and you can do it in parallel. Mm-hmm. Well, and number five.
So we just discussed food quantity in number four, right? Decreasing your calorie intake. Well that's in number five. We go to food quality. . It is extremely important. Some of the things which are sold in our supermarkets, you can label them as poison. Yeah. I, I, you know, I literally, can give you a lot of examples there.
Specifically, we need to be mindful in terms of the quality of the protein and in terms of the quality of meat and fish that we take, okay? . Mm-hmm. , if you ask me, I know all of us have, different. means and resources, but if it's me, every time I have a choice to do wild fish. Not farm grown fish.
I go for the wild fish. Every time, that we sit, which is ocean and the river, not necessarily on farms. And every time I have a choice, going into more organic meat, I'll go for that. Okay. Without going into unnecessary details
so, and, making big enemies like Bigfoot. I just want to tell you guys, the more you go natural, the better for you and better for your health and, longevity.. Number six is about supplements. If you go to sergeyyoung.com, there's number of, I mean, it's all free of charge there's a number of longevity supplements you can download from there, you can go for 10, uh, longevity choices and that this is what we're discussing, with you and to you today. My top three supplements that I take is, vitamin D3 cause I think we all deficient of the vitamin D3 because we're always under the roof unlike our predecessors through the evolution. Second one is, omega-3. Which I think is important. I have high cholesterol level, like 40% on the blood statistic of people on the planet have high cholesterol level. . So, you know, I think taking omega-3 from the best available source is the supplements is amazing for your health and longevity as well.
And third oh my goodness. I have another, uh, seven candidates. I mean, I can go on and on. Like it can be milk thistle because of my high cholesterol level. It can be garlic because garlic. and right now you have garlic and supplements, so you don't need to keep social distant after you , you know, eat real garlic.
Claudia Von Boeselager: For people who don't know there's odor free garlic.
Sergey Young: I think it's amazing. Mm-hmm. . So I love it. Uh, it's important for your vessels and, and the work of your heart. So if I would to recommend third supplement, I would actually consider NMN.
Yeah. It does matter. Like, ignore the producer, you know, take whatever producer you think is suitable for you. Yeah. But NMN is a, is a supplement from new category of supplements, which are longevity related. Yeah. And some other examples can be like Ageless cell from it's life extension. But it doesn't really matter which element you take.
Claudia Von Boeselager: And Sergey, just a quick question. Yeah. For you, in case people are not familiar, can you explain NMN what it is exactly and what does it do?
Sergey Young: So basically one of the things it does for your health , is actually improve your metabolic balance and it also helps your body, to take out senescent cells, the mm-hmm outdated , cells inside your body. Which is basically like, um, cell waste. Mm-hmm. , yeah. In a certain point. It also, it's, it's an important like a feeding element and feeding input for mitochondria.
Mm-hmm. inside your cells. So it's, it's contributes to mitochondrial, , health as well. And actually one of the countries that I know considering journal, churning NMN not in the, from supplement to drug. This is how powerful this today. Mm-hmm. Some of us has last chances to buy this as a supplement before it gets regulated. and gonna be prescribed. So I like the effect on this, on the body. Mm-hmm. and it's sold in many pharmacies. Uh, it's not prescription drug at all. It's a supplement. Mm-hmm. . So I kinda like it. Yeah. Um, well, number seven. Is move daily 10,000 steps a day. Is important. I actually like to gamify it, so I use like, um, apple watch to count my, the rings kind of circles and the rings.
Mm-hmm. . I think it's kind of cool when you do a lot of activities like on the go, on the run. . And we have this binary view of physical activity. We need to like either run marathon or we just sit in the office and we do nothing. I think there is something in between. Yeah. You can do 10,000 steps a day.
Mm-hmm. for the sake of time, not gonna go into details like about importance of heavy lifting or stretching or like yoga, cardio. You should do 90 minutes of cardio at least, every week on a weekly basis. So then number eight out of. Sleep well, I'm using oura ring. You can use whatever gadgets that you like.
The simple rule, you should spend eight hours in the bed mm-hmm. , which gives you seven hours of sleep. And if you measure that, you can actually work on the quality of your sleep first. Maximizing like the length of your deep sleep.
Before I started, my deep sleep was somewhere around 40 to 50 minutes. Every night. Wow. Right now and in different territory. It's at least two, two and a half hours every night. And it's kind of cool, you know, we don't have time to discuss that. You can actually look at my book called, The Science and Technology of Growing Young.
It's available on Amazon. And the last chapter there, which is twice as long as is any other chapter in the book has also some information about sleep improvement. Mm-hmm. , or you can read Matthew Walker with Why We Sleep. It's just an amazing book about, importance of sleep. And, uh, two final one. One is meditation.
Mm-hmm. , when we talk about health. In 80 to 90% of cases, people talk about physical health. Mm-hmm. , but like, what about mental health? I think it's equally important, or probably even more important than that. So easiest way to regulate, your mental health, , is through meditation. I also have my mantra like every morning I wake up and my mantra.
I wanna live 200 years, which is crazy today and impossible today. Full disclosure, a day. Yes. In a body of 25 years old, I say in the 25 years young man. Yes. And see how your body will respond to this mantra, or you can meditate, like whatever school of meditation you like. And, finally, and it's tip number 10 out of 10, be kind and grateful.
If you're not happy about your life, like why extend that? So I, I think, you know, sharing the best of you or the world doing something good, , doing, you know, something like a act of kindness every day. So I have this role, small or large, it's not important. Make you a better person and you will enjoy your life.
That's it.
Claudia Von Boeselager: These are such a powerful tips and I love the sum summarized into the 10, and I think a lot of people get overwhelmed. They're like, longevity and it's complex and I can't do it. But the way you've broken it down there is so, so beautiful as well.
Sergey, I'd love to hear in the last, since we've spoke last, I guess at the, towards the end of last year, what are some different or further longevity strategies that you've been trying out and testing?.
Sergey Young: I became much more balanced in terms of implementation of all the strategies. , so sometimes I'm actually, I think its goals in cycles in life. So sometimes, I've implemented my kinda cheat days with a food, with sugary drinks as well. So I do that on Saturdays. Mm-hmm. . And that's, uh, I know this is not exactly what, one longevity person should recommend the other longevity person. But yeah, I think relaxing some of the rules and trying to get the balance in life.
This was what I was working. in the last six months, so that's probably it. I'm also digging in into more the world of diagnostic and, and wearables. So I'm experimenting a lot with different wearables. And last six months, a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of companies brought a lot of new wearables, to the market, like in terms of glucose monitor.
Mm-hmm. , I'm now testing. I couldn't disclose the name. It's because it's still in testing. Testing the glucose monitor, which is not testing only glucose level, but also cortisol level in the same device. It's kind of cool. I'm also testing device, which is like watch, which can , measure, uh, real time your blood pressure.
Claudia Von Boeselager: Mm. Excellent.
Sergey Young: And it's kind of cool. It's actually, it's much lighter than watch. It's not something which you used to use. So I'm, I'm actually used last six months for going into world of sensors and early diagnostic.
Claudia Von Boeselager: It's so exciting as well. I'm currently testing also from Hanu Health. I'm sure you've come across some Dr. J Wiles I've had him on the podcast too. For heart rate variability and really understanding that more is a measure of stress resiliency. We have a question. Recommendations for looking young on the outside. First of all, a smile . I think decreases age quite quickly, but, skin health is very directly correlated with gut health as well.
And I think a lot of people overlook the importance of getting gut health and as you said at the beginning, and what I recommend my clients as well is that screening. And there are really great tests out there for screening as well and then I think just for skin red light therapy, there's really great strategies. And then, you know, some really great companies. I've had also on the podcast, OneSkin, they have a peptide for removing senescent cells. Um, Peter Diamandis is involved with them. He is one of their advisors also. What would you say, Sergey?
What further recommendations?
Sergey Young: I think it's, this is typical human beings, all of us, we just wanna look, beautiful outside . I think like the easiest way to look, uh, beautifully outside is to become a better person inside. . Think about some religious people, you know, or people with a mission. Mm-hmm. , they always look bloody younger.
Mm-hmm. because they have a purpose. They're sharing the best with the world. Right. They have more positive thoughts, so I know it's. Uh, and I'm like you guys, so I know it's kind of cool and if you try to do something, on the surface, but changing yourself inside and gut health is, is the same area.
It's like the easiest way to project a lot of energy and be young. Okay.
Claudia Von Boeselager: Yeah, exactly as well. Good question. If you go to sergeyyoung.com, there's that beautiful guide that, infographic that Sergey was showing as well for anyone interested.
Sergey it was such a pleasure to have you on today.
Sergey Young: My pleasure as always,
Claudia Von Boeselager: I know we have to catch up again soon. It was wonderful. Thanks so much.
Sergey Young: Thank you. Okay. Stay healthy and happy
I’m Claudia von Boeselager
Longevity Coach, detail-loving educator, big-thinking entrepreneur, podcaster, mama, passionate adventurer, and health optimization activist here to help people transform their lives, and reach their highest potential! All rolled into one.
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